Monday, August 11, 2014

Loving The Life You Are Given

So when I got up this morning, I was wondering what I was going to post about. When I got out of the shower I figured I would get ready and finish filming some videos when I heard an odd knocking sound. I didn't really think anything of it, but then there was a really odd sound so I threw of some clothes to check it out. When I looked down stairs I saw my dog, Sam, having a seizure. 

This isn't anything new, he's been having them for about a year and 8 months now. However, this was the first time that I had actually every witnessed it and I was alone. I live away from home most of the year so I'm not around it and when I am home, they're usually early in the morning.

I did what my mom said she does, which is pet him and say, "Sam, it's alright." This is so that he doesn't freak out when he comes out of the seizure because when he does, he doesn't remember what anything is.

Soon after the first one he had another, and another one after that. It's common for there to be two or three in a row. Luckily my mom came home soon after the last one. I helped her mop and give Sam a bath.

Despite having these seizures, Sam is still such a sweet happy dog that just wants to be friends with everybody. He's only six and I know his seizures are just going to get progressively worse, but he still just seems oblivious that they happen. And maybe he is, I really don't know what goes on in his head. 

It just reminds you that it's important to love life even when life is hard and sad. 

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