Friday, August 15, 2014

How To Earn A Little Extra Money

So there are two simple ways that I like to get a little extra cash.

1. Selling Old Clothes

Whether its old clothes, shoes, jewelry, or accessories; if you aren't going to wear it then why keep it? It can sometimes be hard to let go because, "What if I need it?" But if you really aren't going to wear it then turn it into money. The whole point of you wanting extra cash is because you want to buy new stuff. So our with the old and in with the new! I take my stuff to Plato's Closet and they have a few locations on the West Coast. My suggestion is to go closer to closing because they seem to be more willing to buy more stuff. I one time got around $60 going at a later time and it was with stuff that they had rejected before. That's the other thing: if they don't buy it the first time, they might buy it the second time. If you aren't near one of those, I'm sure there's another type of store near you that does something similar. And if all else fails, there is still the internet where you could sell your still usable items. 

2. Recycle

Another way I like to get extra cash is taking empty bottles and cans to a recycling location. Don't just toss those things in your recycling bin for the city to pick up; that's like throwing away money. I'll be honest, the place I go to is a little (LOT) dirty, but the people there are so nice. Bottle's really aren't worth that much (I would still take them in though), but soda or beer cans are worth BANK! I recently took a lot of bottles in and about half a bag of cans and got $26, which isn't bad considering it's just garbage to me.

I hope this was helpful! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this! Please comment saying what else you would like to see!

Have a sparkly day!

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