Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dear 2014...

Dear 2014,

You have been one crazy year. You had your great moments and you had your equally bad moments. I lost people who were  important to me and gained new friends. I learned the struggles of working and going to school. I also made strides to being healthier by working out and trying to eat better lol. Most importantly I gained the courage to start this blog and my YouTube channel. It has been so fun creating videos and sharing my thoughts with the world. 

As I’m sitting here I’m reflecting a lot on myself and what I want to work towards this next year and what I want to make it. Of course I want to do the classic take better care of myself and get in better shape, but there’s something deeper I want to work on. I’ve never had New Years night that was fun or worth remembering and I’m sitting here alone tonight because I let my insecurities get the best of me again. I could have gone out with friends tonight, but I didn’t because I’m afraid of going out and not knowing what is going to happen. I let my insecurities about what people think of me get in the way of me having fun. I get afraid that the people that say they care about me actually don’t. During high school I had so many “friends” that turned their back on me in times when I needed them most over stupid petty arguments. This fear, this insecurity is something I want to change for this next year. I want to allow myself to have fun, to love again, and to let go of everything that’s holding me back.

Goodbye 2014, you have been a crazy year and I can’t believe how quickly you flew bye; however, I can’t wait to say hello to 2015 and see what it has in store for me.

Thank you,


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